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Gerrymandering Gone Wild Series Part 2 – Suppressed By Design “Intentional Voter Suppression”
Gerrymandering is the drawing of electoral districts in order to support one political party over another. It’s a way for politicians to get more power and control, but it can also leave people without representation or fair voting rights. The Supreme Court ruled that gerrymandering was unconstitutional, but there are still loopholes where politicians can get away with it. This technique has been used to influence elections, and has been employed by both Democrats and Republicans but used more by Republicans in the past.
Join us as Beverly Taylor talks to David Daley, author of “RatF**ked” and “Unrigged” about how the Republican Party used a strategy called REDMAP. REDMAP stands for “REDistricting Majority Project” which is a program of the Republican State Leadership Committee dedicated to winning state legislative seats that have had a critical impact on congressional redistricting. It’s gerrymandering gone wild!!
This is The 411 Live. Real People. Real Talk.
Contact Info
David Daley – Author, Journalist & Senior Fellow for FairVote
Twitter: twitter.com/davedaley3
Link to the current number of cases for COVID-19 in Milwaukee County – Milwaukee County COVID-19 Dashboard (Data currently is refreshed daily at 7:30am and 2:30pm)
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“Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series
Our current project is the “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series. Production costs for this project are well over $300,000, and we are asking for your assistance. Donations will go towards The 411 Live “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series and to continue The “I Dare You To Heal Movement” that helps support survivors through their journey of healing focusing on human trafficking and other traumatic experiences.
You can make a one-time donation or we have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available. Your financial support is critical to the success of this project. All contributions made to The 411 Live are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law.