Help us educate society through media...



To provide every individual access to information and resources needed to live a desired lifestyle and become a catalyst for change in their community.


To train, educate & inform the community through media, social awareness campaigns and outreach events.


The 411 Live is a registered 501(c)3 organization. We create impactful multi-media outlets that promote an inclusive collaborative environment, and create more opportunities for underrepresented individuals and communities to reinforce positive images and voices in media. We strongly believe in helping an array of diverse people and connecting them to businesses, while getting youth involved to help create change in our communities.

Our projects and campaigns are developed in the areas of social issues, education, careers, health, safety, social justice, family and community. They are designed to inspire and provide hope, social awareness and education, as well as make the connections needed to foster and motivate change throughout communities.


The 411 Live provides unique ideas and resources through multimedia outlets that make you look at your life or problems differently. Through music, film, radio, print media, social media, the web and stories targeted at culturally open-minded individuals, we are a catalyst for creating change, bettering communities and fostering a more inclusive and engaged Milwaukee on issues that directly affect our community. Unlike other traditional awareness and educational videos, we get to the core of the problem, provide real solutions, then bring people, businesses, organizations and resources to a place near you.


LaShondra Scott is a visionary leader on a mission to change the conditions, mindsets and attitudes of community residents through transformative and mission-driven films, television shows and new media. At an early age, Lashondra saw her life through the lens of a camera. She was 16 when she decided that television/video production would be her vocation. With that in mind, she attended Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) and earned an Associate’s Degree in Television/Video Production. She then earned a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Business Administration from Cardinal Stritch University in Glendale, WI.

“Always live life with a purpose” is Lashondra’s motto. She strives to make at least one person smile everyday because, as she says, “You never know what that person is going through, and making them smile could change their mood and make life just a little better.”

LaShondra’s keen interest in her community and an intense desire to change the conditions so many of her fellow citizens experience, help her focus her eye on films that make a difference. With God’s guidance, she seeks to completely transform the mindsets and attitudes of individuals as wells as provide a sense of direction and purpose for all who share her vision.

As a woman, Lashondra recognizes the unique position she holds in a male-dominated industry and understands that she must work harder to be successful. She knows that she is capable of producing effective products that evoke more feelings, draw more attention and is more mission-driven.

LaShondra, a production executive for over 15 years, has produced and directed television programing, documentaries, video and radio content that has been broadcasted on a variety of outlets including, MPTV, radio 1290 WMCS and cable outlets. Scott, President and CEO of Neo Soul Productions also creates inspiring videos for business, organizations and non-profits. She is on the executive and diversity committee of the Milwaukee Film Makers Alliance and is part of the Human Trafficking Taskforce of Milwaukee and Sojourner’s Family Peace Center’s human trafficking task force.



Board Chair


Board Treasurer
Vice President of Customer Services of Aspire Software Company



Freelance Documentary/Commercial Producer


Board Member
Retired MATC Instructor, Milwaukee PBS Director/Producer


Executive Director
President of Neo Soul Productions