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In this episode, we are joined by a very special guest, Deanne Lawson, founder of the Inner Beauty Center. She brings an interesting perspective as she tells us what sex trafficking looks like on the south side of Milwaukee.
Deanne Lawson tells us how the origin of the Inner Beauty Center started. Her husband was pastoring a church when they started having issues of women standing on their church steps. Deanna says, “And we did what everybody else told us to do, what society would do. And we told them to get off the street or we would call the police”. But one day a woman came in and said, “God told me if I came here, you would help me.” Join us as we learn how sex trafficking looks on the Southside of Milwaukee and so much more.
Contact Info
Deanne Lawson – Founder/Executive Director of Inner Beauty Center
1300 S. Layton Blvd Milwaukee, WI 53215
Phone: (414) 681-2248
Website: innerbeautycenter.org
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“Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series
Our current project is the “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series. Production costs for this project are well over $300,000, and we are asking for your assistance. Donations will go towards The 411 Live “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series and to continue The “I Dare You To Heal Movement” that helps support survivors through their journey of healing focusing on human trafficking and other traumatic experiences.
You can make a one-time donation or we have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available. Your financial support is critical to the success of this project. All contributions made to The 411 Live are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law.