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In this episode of The 411 Live, we are joined by Arnitta Holliman, a licensed counselor and ReCast Program Manager of the Office of Violence Prevention.
It’s important to remember that domestic violence was a global pandemic long before the COVID-19 outbreak. Domestic violence reports have risen in Milwaukee during the coronavirus pandemic. Prosecutors have seen an increase in domestic violence referrals from police agencies across Milwaukee County according to the Journal Sentinel. However, there are service providers to help during this pandemic and there are a number of ways you can get help. Join us as we talk to Arnitta Holliman, a licensed counselor and ReCast Program Manager of the Office of Violence Prevention about the spike in domestic violence, trauma, how the office of Violence Prevention responds to mass shootings, and how to get help.
This is The 411 Live. Real People. Real Talk.
Contact Info
Arnitta Holliman, MS, LPC – ReCast Program Manager
Milwaukee Health Department
Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building
841 North Broadway, 3rd Floor
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
Phone: 414-286-5597
Website: city.milwaukee.gov/health/staysafe#.XvKVTihKiUk
Link to the current number of cases for COVID-19 in Milwaukee County – Milwaukee County COVID-19 Dashboard (Data currently is refreshed daily at 7:30am and 2:30pm)
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“Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series
Our current project is the “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series. Production costs for this project are well over $300,000, and we are asking for your assistance. Donations will go towards The 411 Live “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series and to continue The “I Dare You To Heal Movement” that helps support survivors through their journey of healing focusing on human trafficking and other traumatic experiences.
You can make a one-time donation or we have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available. Your financial support is critical to the success of this project. All contributions made to The 411 Live are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law.