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The mental health of millions of Americans is desperately in need of our attention and support because it is so highly mistreated and misdirected in the criminal law system. It is a difficult topic to maneuver through, relating law and medical health, but they do coincide with each other and this is vital for our court system to know when making the critical decisions that determine how many Americans might live the rest of their lives.
Should people be put in jail while ignoring their mental health issues or should it be addressed early in the judicial process?
Sylvester says, “If we can start addressing the mental health, just like we addressing the drug problem, we will save a lot of money in tax. We’ll save a lot of people from being incarcerated and we’ll save a lot of this mass incarceration with symbolism.”
On this episode of The 411 Live Beverly Taylor talks to retired Milwaukee County Judge, Jeffery Kremers, Pastor Joseph Ellwanger, founder of WISDOM Statewide Reform Our Communities with a focus on Wisconsin’s criminal justice system, and Sylvester Jackson, Lead Community Organizer for Ex-incarcerated People Organizing. Today we discuss the problems of mental health when it comes to the judicial system and a courtroom that’s designed to address mental health and sentencing.
This Episode is Supported by FCAB.
Contact Info
WISDOM Statewide Reform Our Communities
Website: WISDOM
Ex-incarcerated People Organizing
Website: EXPO
Felmers Chaney Advocacy Board
Website: FCAB
Link to the current number of cases for COVID-19 in Milwaukee County – Milwaukee County COVID-19 Dashboard (Data currently is refreshed daily at 7:30am and 2:30pm)
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“Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series
Our current project is the “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series. Production costs for this project are well over $300,000, and we are asking for your assistance. Donations will go towards The 411 Live “Trafficked” More Than Just A Story Healing Series and to continue The “I Dare You To Heal Movement” that helps support survivors through their journey of healing focusing on human trafficking and other traumatic experiences.
You can make a one-time donation or we have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available. Your financial support is critical to the success of this project. All contributions made to The 411 Live are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law.