Heal The Mind And The Body Will Follow. I Dare You To Heal!!
Trauma can affect survivors of single accidents, exposure to varied and multiple traumatic events, often of an invasive, interpersonal nature or repeated and prolonged incidents like human trafficking or abuse.
We invited the public to take the first steps to healing by coming to this event at Sojourner Family Peace Center and learn what steps to take to heal from whatever traumatic experience(s) is keeping them from being the best that they can be and fulfilling their purpose in life.
We had Nancy Yourbough, founder of Fresh Start Learning, Inc was our keynote speaker and Dion Racks, founder of Community Outreach Resources & Empowerment was our guest speaker. Nancy talked about how she overcame one of the most traumatic experiences of her life, human trafficking, and how she took the steps to healing. We had partners on standby and at the event for people who wanted to get help. This event enabled people to ask a lot of questions about the healing process and get help from our partners.