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“TRAFFICKED: More Than Just A Story” Healing Series

Why is this Healing Series Needed?

Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry worldwide and is the 3rd most profitable criminal activity in the world next to guns and drugs. It is estimated that 27,000,000 women and girls are victimized by traffickers worldwide. On average, a victim is sold 10 – 15 times in one day. 

According to the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission, sex trafficking is prevalent in all 72 counties in Wisconsin. 97%  of sex trafficking victims are female, and 88% of youth trafficked live in the city of Milwaukee.  Thirteen is the average age a child begins being trafficked for sex.  

The average pimp has 5 girls, gross over $100k annually and high-end pimps make millions trafficking young men, women, and children. Victims see an average of 10-12 “clients” per day and work 7 days a week.

***Traffickers Do Not Discriminate!***

Sex trafficking in Wisconsin has become an epidemic and people are unaware that Wisconsin is a hub for sex trafficking and Milwaukee is the Harvard school for pimps. Unfortunately most people don’t know the signs of sex trafficking.  People often think sex trafficking is something that happens overseas or in other states but it is actually happening right in your backyard.

This series is essential in showing that sex trafficking is real and one of the major problems is how victims of sex trafficking are treated and looked at simply because a significant amount of professional service providers, non-professionals and regular people don’t know the signs or there not trained in identifying the signs of a victim of sex trafficking.

Survivors of sex trafficking have been stripped of their identities, families, purpose in life and they often find themselves struggling trying to navigate back into life trying to re-discover themselves. This campaign presents the problem and the solution to the problem.

The Healing Series

This Series includes a 5 Part Docu-series, 30 Week Podcast series, I Dare You To Heal Movement Outreach with a Virtual workshop.

The 5 Part Docu-series Series presents the problem of sex trafficking through a jaw dropping story of Laura Johnson, a survivor who was trafficked from the age of 14-17.

Through all of her traumatic experiences she cried out for help when she came into contact with multiple service providers and people in the public but was ignored because of them not being aware of sex trafficking or knowing how to identify a victim of sex trafficking.

This series will introduce you to the world of sex trafficking through the real life story of Laura Johnson. She will take you on the journey of her life from foster care, family life, trafficking, and drug addiction to a thriving survivor. This series will also feature professionals and specialists from the Human Trafficking Task Force of Greater Milwaukee, law enforcement, and more.

Viewers will walk away knowing what sex trafficking is, the signs of it, how to identify it, the trauma that victims go through and how to help prevent and eradicate sex trafficking.

The Virtual Workshop will focus on training service providers who come in contact with trafficked victims through healthcare, law enforcement, education, social services, retail, sports entertainment, and hospitality.

The 30 Episode Podcast Series will open the conversation to the problems surrounding trafficking, stories of survivors who were trafficked at a young age, individuals in the sex trade trying to survive, how sex trafficking looks in your neigborhood and much more.

I Dare You To Heal Movement will help support survivors through their journey of healing focusing on human trafficking and other traumatic experiences. For more information, click here>>…


Caitlin Weiss

Chantae Miller

Dewayne Edwards

Dylan Meyer

Kerric Stephens

LaShondra Scott

Lisa Brooks Kendall

Liz Giese

Moe Pull

Monty Kane


Nebraska Howard

Niema Perkins

Robb Fischer

Steve Piper

Susan Templin

Temeceka Harris